Dress Code

During competition, students must dress in modest, professional business attire.

Gentlemen: Suit or slacks and a blazer jacket; collared shirt and tie; professional dress shoes and socks.

Ladies: Skirt or pant suit; or professional slacks, skirt, or dress with a blazer jacket; professional dress shoes. Dress/skirt hemlines and slits should be no higher than the middle of the knee. Hose not required.

Awards Ceremony: Students must attend the awards ceremony in full competition attire.

Violations: If the competitor's attire at any time during the tournament is deemed a violation of the dress code, the competitor will be asked to come into compliance before being allowed to participate.

See additional information on the Stoa website.

Code of Conduct

Tournament participants will exhibit kind, polite, and respectful attitudes toward each other and behave in a manner that brings honor to God.

Conflicts that arise mid-tournament will be resolved at the sole discretion of tournament leadership. Tournament leadership has final authority in all tournament decisions.

Tournament participants will adhere to the Peacemaker’s Pledge derived from Matthew 5:23-25 and 18:15-17. This principle dictates that if an offense occurs, the offended should go directly to the offender to resolve the issue; no gossiping or discussing with another person. We seek to restore relationships. A third party may be necessary to resolve issues.